Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Would I recommend doing the Disney College Program?

Yes. Absolutely. 100% yes.  

This has been one of; if not the greatest experience I have ever participated in. The hours are pretty crazy, work is hard, guests can definitely be a challenge, and sometimes you wake up and wonder why you are doing this to yourself. But then you get that special guest, or see your best friends, maybe you remember the magic that you’re creating, or you just know that you are fulfilling your dream. When all is said and done I absolutely love this program and would repeat it in a heartbeat.

I have met my best friend here, and made a group of friends whom I know I will still talk to 10, 20, 30 years from now. I can start singing a Disney song and they join along, instead of looking at me like I have gone insane. All of my fellow cast members that I work with and hang out with are just as awkward as me, and we all get each other. I know I could call anyone of them when I’m having a hard time and they will listen, comfort, and understand me. I’m so blessed to have met these people who have now made a permanent impact in my life, and I could not be happier.

I will say this; don’t plan on sticking with your plans for after the program (that sounds redundant doesn’t it)? So much stuff has happened to basically everyone I know that has changed their future plans, myself included. Be prepared for anything and be open to everything here because there is so much to experience for every single type of person! Basically, if you want to participate in the program, do it; and if you make the most of it, then you definitely will not regret it.

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