Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Pirates Life for Me

Ahoy mates! I suppose I should update y’all on my program! 

If you did not already know, I am an attractions hostess at Pirates of the Caribbean. I absolutely love my job. The ride is definitely temperamental which makes my days quite interesting. The cast there are fantastic. I had such a close knit family back in Fantasyland, and made some great friends at the All Stars; so I was doubtful my new cast would be anywhere near as great as my past CP. I am glad to say I was proven wrong in so many ways. 

This CP is already completely different than my last. First off, I have my car! Thank goodness for that is all I can say. No more Transtar! I live in a 4 bedroom at Chatham Square, meaning there are 8 girls in this apartment. It’s definitely an adjustment for sure, but most of the kinks have been worked out which is fantastic. 

The bonds I have created with so many people have already greatly impacted my life. Some Spring Advantage CP’s just recently left. The issue is I wasn’t planning to create strong relationships with people this early and then saying goodbye to them almost immediately. I had to say goodbye to some amazing Cast Member’s and friends which is always the worst part about the College Program. But I know that they will all do great things in the future and am excited to see where their futures lead them. 

I was scheduled for my first ever PAC (Parade Control) shifts during the 3rd and 4th of July. It was definitely interesting, and I am glad that I was scheduled to them; however, I will be completely content living my life without ever doing another PAC shift. I definitely haven’t been getting the hours that I was used to in Fantasyland. I am more often than not scheduled a consistent 35-40 hours. I still haven’t decided if I am thankful for the shorter hours or want the overtime, I like money what can I say!

I will be turning 21 on this program! We already celebrated one of my roommates 21st at Crystal Palace a few weeks ago, and mine is coming up in a little under 2 weeks, exciting stuff. I’m excited to finally be 21 because I can go out to bars and what not with everyone, instead of saying oh no, I can’t I’m not old enough… Acca-awkward. 

I still love the Magic Kingdom with my whole heart. I don’t believe I will ever lose the magic that comes with walking down Main Street and seeing Cinderella Castle ahead of me. It’s weird for me not to be right behind the castle anymore, but I can still see Wishes and the parades pass by which is new and fun! 

Anyways, y’all have a lovely day and make sure you keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the boat at all times. We don’t want y’all to have to abandon ship!

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